Til hovedinnhold
LNUs medlemsorganisasjoner samlet i et gruppebilde under barne- og ungdomstinget 2019
About us

The Norwegian Children and Youth Council

LNU, The Norwegian Children and Youth Council, is an umbrella organisation for 102 Norwegian children and youth organisations. Our member organisations are democratic and voluntary, and they represent a vast diversity of activities and interests.

On behalf of these organisations LNU works within three main areas: 



Even if our member organisations represent diverse political standings, LNU works to achieve political goals in the issues where our members share a common goal. This includes securing good framework conditions for organisations such as funding and access to suitable premises. On an international level we work with questions regarding youth participation, youth delegates to the UN and the sustainable development goals. 



LNU aims to provide knowledge to our member organisations through free or affordable courses within a variety of subjects. We aim to provide politicians with the insight they need to make comprehensive policies on behalf of children and youths. 



LNU distributes a variety of grants and programmes for financial support of youth volunteers. These funds are distributed both within our own member organisations and beyond.  


Principles on real and meaningful participation

Youth participation is critical to secure inclusive political processes. LNU has five key principles to secure that this participation is real and meaningful: 

  1. Independence. Youths must be able to choose what they want to engage in. They have the right to be heard in all decision-making processes that they are concerned with, and in all processes that they themselves deem they have a stake in. If youths are interested, they should be heard. 
  2. Representation. Youths must choose their own representatives. These representatives are responsible to the youth they represent, as in the democratic child- and youth organisations. Political processes can’t cherrypick a youth «alibi» or someone the adults believe represent youths. This is not democraticly founded.
  3. Unique competences. Youths needs to be recognized as a professional resource with the necessary expertise that is unique to them and that others cannot replace. They are the only ones who can represent themselves and their views, adults cannot.
  4. Access to information. All institutions and processes where youths participate, these youths need access to all relevant information so that they can be prepared for the issues that involves them. They need the same level of access to information as the other stakeholders and participants in the decision-making processes.
  5. Continuity in processess. Youths needs to be able to participate in all chains in the political processes. Single events and processes that are not democratically founded does not facilitate full participation. That means that youths cannot be invited to give some initial input before the actual process starts and not be there for the actual political work and debates, or only be involved when the process is finished to put a stamp of approval on it or final remarks. 

Please note 

The Norwegian Children and Youth Council does not fund or co-operate directly with organisations outside of Norway on development projects. 

For further questions, please send an e-mail to lnu@lnu.no, or one of our international contacts from the list below. 

International contacts 

Silje Brekke Bakken, Political advisor
Area of responsibility: United Nations, The Norwegian youth delegates, European Youth Forum (YFJ), Nordic Council of Ministers
Phone: +47 99 45 53 51, silje@lnu.no 

Jakob Øvensen Aanderaa, President of the Norwegian Children and Youth Council
Phone: +47 23310600, jakob@lnu.no

Ragnhild Bjørkum Vassbotn, Secretary General of the Norwegian Children and Youth Council
Phone: +47 23310600, ragnhild@lnu.no



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